Teacher Resources

The BioFab Challenges

The BioFab Challenges are a series of work-based learning simulations that will model what it is like to work in the biofabrication industry. Throughout the challenges, students will be asked to complete work that models real-world skills, such as data analysis, communication, and observation. These challenges can be paired with the BIOBLENDFOLIO platform to enhance the feedback process and to allow students to share their work with employers or educational institutions.

Career Exploration

These activities focus on helping students gather information about the skills, knowledge, workstyles, and day-to-day tasks along with salary and required education related to a career in biofabrication. Many of these activities allow students to demonstrate technical or career readiness skills. 

Learning Objectives

Activity Structure

The following activities are divided into two levels:

Level 1 Activities

These activities can be embedded into any course and require little background understanding of biofabrication. Students can demonstrate career readiness skills through these activities. 

Level 2 Activities

These activities are targeted and require some understanding of biofabrication. Students can demonstrate both technical and career readiness skills through these activities.

Activities can be done in any order.

Level 1: What Does the Future of Medicine Look Like?



NH CTE General Competencies: 

NGSS Practices of Science and Engineering: 

Level 1: What Technologies are Used in Biofabrication?



NH CTE General Competencies: 

NGSS Practices of Science and Engineering: 

Level 1: What Jobs are Available in Biofabrication?



NH CTE General Competencies: 

NGSS Practices of Science and Engineering: 

Level 2: How is Biofabrication Impacting People Today?



NH CTE General Competencies: 

NGSS Practices of Science and Engineering: 

Level 2: What Ethical Issues Rise with Biofabrication?



NH CTE General Competencies: 

NGSS Practices of Science and Engineering: 

Level 2: Do I Have the Skills?



NH CTE General Competencies: 

NGSS Practices of Science and Engineering: 

Level 2: What Does it Take to Become a Biological Technician?



NH CTE General Competencies: 

NGSS Practices of Science and Engineering: 

Level 2: Industry Leaders in Biofabrication?



NH CTE General Competencies: 

NGSS Practices of Science and Engineering: 

Extended Learning Opportunities

These activities can be used in the following ways: 

Essential Question

What is the potential impact of bioprinting? 

What are some of the technologies and career paths in bioprinting?

Discipline/Area of study

Students will explore the field of biofabrication through the lens of bioprinting. This ELO develops an understanding of the innovative career field of biofabrication by examining the skills, career options, and big questions embedded in bioprinting. 

Credit-granting Recommendation

This is a 1 credit course representing formative and summative assessments. The course has five competencies to be fulfilled. 

Community Mentor

Internship/Work-Based Learning Mentor and/or School Counselor

Learning Goals

Related Core Competencies

Formative Assessments

Students will complete the following formative steps using the resources provided or other resources of their own finding:


Creating a Life-Saving Industry Regenerative   Manufacturing

Company Profile Cell Link

BioFab Explorer - Introduction to Biofabrication video

Final Summative Assessment 

The student will address the essential question, communicate what they have learned, and their self analysis examining the connections between experiences, goals of the ELOs, and targeted competencies. Student will prepare and present a final summative reflection presentation to a group made up of at least one peer, one educator, and one industry professional. It is recommended that presentations are made to entire classes, this way information is shared and students can learn from one another’s experiences.